- support of the entrepreneur in the design or reorganization of the company and group structure with corporate planning
activities, also through extraordinary merger, spin-off, spin-off, sale of a business unit; - company formation and relations with foreign countries, in particular Hong Kong, London and emerging markets;
- establishment of trust and methods of segregation of assets;
- preparation on behalf of the customer or support in the preparation by the company of business plans and cash flows for
business activities or for specific operations; - drafting of contracts for ordinary business activities such as subcontracting, franchising, agency, space management, service
contracts with specific attention to the optimization of the company structure; support for participation in public and private
tenders and tenders for obtaining financing and subsidies; - business consultancy for new business ventures such as start-ups, corporate or contractual joint ventures – joint ventures, RTI, etc., acquisitions and sales of companies; valuation of companies, assets and specific assets; legal due diligence,
negotiation and drafting of social and shareholder agreements; - drafting opinions, including pro veritate, on commercial law issues with particular reference to extraordinary transactions, social and shareholder relations, banking and insurance and bankruptcy law;
Extraordinary advicelawyer2021-11-16T12:30:02+00:00