“Very young, in 1991 he began his legal career as an assistant in the firm of his mentor, Alberto Azzolini †, dividing his time between University and legal activities, to then establish his own firm in Milan. He is the counsel of many celebrities, as well as of numerous companies and, in particular, of very well-known national and international groups and brands. He is an expert in civil law, in particular in commercial, industrial and intellectual property law, as well in marriage law and the protection of minors.”
Sandra Meoni – Lawyer
Alberto Azzolini † – Lawyer
Fabio Bonatti – Lawyer (Law firm of Alberto Azzolini †)
Prof. Claudio Corbellini University of Pavia, Neuropsychiatrist and medical examiner, expert in appraisals concerning biological damage scoring in litigation for damages.
Dott. Silvio Tosi Chartered accountant and auditor, Biella.
Dott. Stefano Marelli Expert consultant in all insurance fields.
Dott. Alberto Orlandi Plastic surgeon and expert in assessment of damages due to medical negligence.
Arch. Eugenio Modarelli Architect, expert in appraisals in litigation for damages, works management, construction sites.
Monica Amelia Pollara Concept fashion designer, expert and professor in fashion design collection, digital imaging and fashion illustration.
Andrea Giussani Graphic designer and cross media and digital expert.
Androfit Onlus Association of Andrology and Endocrinology Pediatric and Adolescent Onlus – www.andrologiapediatrica.it
Avv. Alfredo Partexano Expert in criminal, corporate, tax and bankruptcy law, Expert in environmental law, professional collaborator with the Sicilian region
Avv. Concetta Bonaldi Expert in sports law, news, copyright and journalistic work
DCL PAYROLL by Laura Barzaghi It carries out the payroll processing activity, it opens for primary companies and for professional firms